Heather Hayes
Quarantine travel warning: New rules will ‘kill international travel’

Quarantine rules imposed by the UK Government for those arriving in the UK from abroad will have led to an influx of concerns from the aviation industry and the travel and tourism sector. And now experts are saying the new rules will “kill international travel”. The Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday has sparked concerns over how the travel industry will cope. As many Americans face the possibility of not being able to travel abroad this summer, the travel industry in the UK and across the world could see an even biggerRead More
Popular Austin restaurant Shady Grove closes permanently

AUSTIN — Popular Austin restaurant Shady Grove is closing permanently, effective immediately, a spokesperson confirmed. The casual, comfort food restaurant on Barton Springs Road has been serving food and local music for nearly 30 years. Shady Grove, started by the founders of Chuy’s, opened in 1992. Shady Grove, along with every restaurant in Austin, closed its dining room on March 17 following dual orders by the city and county, and started takeout and delivery the following day. They continued with that model in recent weeks following Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’sRead More
Justin Trudeau announces Canada is banning assault-style weapons

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday announced Canada is banning assault-style weapons. Trudeau cited numerous mass killings in the country, including the killing of 22 people in Nova Scotia in April, which he described as “the deadliest rampage in our country’s history.” Canadians deserve more than thoughts and prayers Mass shootings are relatively rare in Canada, which has tighter gun control laws than the United States. Trudeau announced the ban of more than 1,500 models and variants of assault-style firearms. “There weapons were designed for one purpose and one purposeRead More
Dallas Hits New Single-Day High in Covid-19 Cases as Texas begins re-opening Friday

With the addition of five more deaths Thursday, more than 100 people have now died in Dallas County after contracting COVID-19, this according to county health officials who also say another 179 people have been infected with the deadly virus. Dallas County Health and Human Services reported Thursday 3,531 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 104 COVID-19 related deaths. “Today is our highest number of daily reported COVID-19 positive cases thus far. DCHHS epidemiologists tell us that the increase stems from a change in CDC guidelines allowing our front lineRead More
Gov. Greg Abbott’s stay at home order expires Thursday, and many Texas businesses may open Friday

Gov. Greg Abbott’s Plan To Reopen Texas: TX Stay at Home order will expire April 30 May 1, retail stores, malls & theaters can operate at 25% capacity POSSIBLY by May 18, move to 50% capacity Hair salons, barber shops, gyms possibly mid-May As Texas ranks one of the worst states in the nation for Covid-19 testing Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday said his statewide stay-at-home order will expire on Thursday as scheduled, while Texas malls, stores, restaurants, movie theaters and restaurants may open the next day — with 25%Read More