How to Talk to Conservatives About Gun Control

The biggest, deadliest mass shooting in the United States took the lives of 49 people at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016. This has brought gun control onto the minds of many. This is forcing a tipping point that even the NRA the biggest lobby in D.C. will start to see the light and at least help prevent terrorist watch list people buying guns not be able to do so. The entire nation is talking about it and hopefully we do not give up this time likeRead More
How to Determine Fake News Sites: List of False, Misleading, Clickbait, & Satirical “News” Sources
Back in the days when journalism was rewarded and people read newspapers for unbiased papers they had this thing called editorials. Editorials are opinions. Most publications do not seem to tell readers anymore when it’s actual news or an opinion. The problem got worse after Fox News debuted because it was basically an opinion or editorial network. They would tell what they considered the “news” but in their biased way of doing so. The problem got worse in the last election when the internet has been flooded with many propaganda,Read More
Which States Are Voting On Marijuana Reform In November 2016?
Early voting in this election is just days away with some states voting on marijuana reform. Whether states are voting on marijuana reform, medical or recreational, any success in these states would be a win for ending marijuana prohibition and the failed drug war. Which states are voting on marijuana legalization? California California has a long history of voting on marijuana reform. The latest measure, Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), legalizes: the possession of 1 ounce of marijuana flower, or up to 8 grams of cannabisRead More
Keith Olbermann is Back to Say What the Media Will Not!
It seems the media has been on Donald J. Trump’s side from the beginning. They have let him get away with everything but murder. He’s been accused of a long list of things that the media hides from us on a daily basis and never confront him because they are too busy worried about Hillary’s health or her emails. It’s finally time that a hero to the left stands up and screams out for some common sense and morality in this election. Keith Olbermann has made a video for GQRead More
Texas couple’s dog killed over Hillary Clinton yard sign
If you thought the 2008 election was bad with a black man running for the White House then the thought of four more years of his legacy and a woman as President have really got the Trump supporters fired up. In Richardson, Texas a couple are mourning the loss of their dog who was allegedly poisoned to death after having ingested a deadly neurotoxin. The death of Matt and Beth Steadman’s two-year-old shepherd mix, named Abby, has been part of a series of attacks in their community to the coupleRead More